Zen of Swim of Tiny Laps

Travel for nothing is a road to ruin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the author of this course?
Inside the course itself I develop the idea about being a lifelong athlete culminating into tech swim coaching online, via the magic of having randomly met five different people, each of whom interacted with me in such a way as to build on top of some natural motivation, background and athletic ability that has all gathered just during the first two years of my fifties decade,
How did this material come about?
In the particular dynamic of my family, I was not able to grow up near my father. Despite being loved and cherished by those that cared for me when I was young, being cut off from my father often made me feel like an orphan. I felt unrepresented. To me it was a lifetime of uncertainty about small and basic things that were never answered through my life course. When I did finally have the opportunity to be a stay-home father during my forties-decade, I had the chance to put my fifteen years of sports coaching for high school athletes.. into place. With a son of my own, and with the time to stay home and literally train him from the very beginning, I had the chance to see a number of athletic super-competencies come about right before my very eyes. Seeing what I could do with my own son being what it is, as he grows and his powers expand, he does what else but constantly challenge me back and force me to interact with what governs me and my physical and athletic and sports presence. All told we are just one big beautiful sporting family, me with a lot of experience coaching kids and ever wanting to parlay all of that into one big sporting target - 40 laps in 40 minutes with the use of 3 primary swim aides. I was my kid's tennis and soccer coach and my original sport was volleyball basketball and martial arts. Roll all of that into one sweet activity to rule them all then get on your summer program and keep your swim suit and towel in your car. Try swimming twice weekly for three months and then let's speak again. Are you ready to begin?
Why did you put this exclusively on Teachable?
It takes a while to migrate a workflow and I was needing a place to house, hold and selectively produce and organize materials under a number of separate topics and lines of interest. Teachable for me first is a CMS. That means it's a Content Management System and it's designed to help me as a content creator. That is really all the reason I need to feel good about paying for my yearly membership subscription to the hosting service. Teachable is very good at what it does, it's a leased infrastructure system and the rest is up to me. I've been very slow to getting everything tuned in and suffering from a lack of clear concise direction and specialty. In my deep thoughts and meditations Tech Swim has risen to feel like one of a very small group of activities that brings together my very wide experience across a great range of traditional yet obscure sports like golf or archery along with things like basketball and tae kwon do. The great thing about swim is that I'm really into it right now and since I'm doing it all the time I'm having a lot of fun experiences and interactions around it. Teachable helps me quickly launch many updates quickly as this whole thing continues to manifest toward one final set of reflections.
What can I do for you?
I'm not sure. Maybe the story of me at 51 can spark or inspire some ideas about taking your game to the next level.
How can the reader use this material?
Find the description of the 30 days and read it as the Executive White sheet which decodes the rest. The entirety of this very long and serious set of reflections should be done before undertaking activity. Read entire book before taking your first stroke. It will leave you with an unmistakably modified approach. There is no hurry to begin. What needs to be accommodated is what it takes to put 2x weekly swim to practice.
What will you get from this material?
Hopefully you'll get an interesting and insightful account on how I constructively use swim to reach goals and affect success.
How long will it take?
You may need to reset your clock about what is coming your way because it's not an instruction manual or infomercial. What is given here is a deep appreciation about being a person who can swim 40 laps in 40 minutes - no matter what.
What will this do to a person?
Swim is a slow activity but here is how that works in swimmer jargon. When we speak with each other, we reflect on "which part?" of the complex activity is what you're currently working on? And that is how one friendly swimmer might exchange small talk in the hot tub after the workout. So those things that might get discussed.. that is where you get the real truth because if there are any pains or any conditioning or form uncertainties.. everything is exposed. It's not to be considered a matter of shame at all! The process of swim itself ends up being a very self-destructive activity. I, me and this whole website were constructed in an earnest attempt to encourage swim while discouraging the self-created injury which is almost a guaranteed eventuality of doing the activity itself. See the double edge there. I want you to have a look at this course, so you can swim, and get and injury, and try to prevent the injury. It's vexing but I'm telling you swim is sweet and so worth it!
Where do people fail?
Everywhere. People don't go to the gym. They don't eat as fuel. They don't stretch before bed. They don't have a workout regime. They are not serious about their bodies. They are not honest with themselves in the mirrors. They don't want the shame of beginning. They can't get through the injuries. They don't like the chlorine in the pools. They think public pools are contaminated and public locker rooms are infested. They don't want to think of themselves as an athlete or admit what it takes to eat like one. They are embarrassed about their body or skin or hair. There are too many reasons for failure including cost of a gym membership or day trip to the pool. Literally everything out there is a reason to fail at anything. The best way to be successful in this world is to be a person capable of gathering all focus into a single point.
What's up with the Liver Cleanse
Search it from Medical Medium, have you been a friend to your liver today?

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